
Raquel Baldelomar
Hi, I'm Raquel Baldelomar, and welcome to The Mega Podcast, balancing Health, wealth, and happiness, where I speak with high achievers on how they fulfill their professional dreams while maintaining balance throughout their lives. Today my guest is a dear friend of mine, Kim Gordon, an artist and self-taught interior decorator and designer and founder of Kim Gordon Designs specializing in creating majestic homes that soothe the senses, inspire the mind, and restore the body. She was born in Long Island, New York, and at the age of 18 moved to San Juan Puerto Rico to study acupuncture and massage therapy. She found herself inspired by the design and natural patina of living spaces, and met one of the biggest influences of her life, artist Millie Arango. From there, she moved to LA and started her artistic career where she created shell cottages and elaborate shrines that were popular with celebrities and designers. In 2008, her whole life changed. When her second son was born, her marriage was ending, and so were the orders for decorative art. She was living in a converted garage and was fluffing up houses. When she met Mauricio Suarez, her longtime romantic and business partner, she found herself connecting with people who were looking for homes to nest in, which led her to start her journey into interior design and home building. She founded her business, Kim Gordon Designs in 2012, and without any formal training or background in architecture, she created what many say are some of the most beautiful homes in West Los Angeles today.


Kim Gordon
Oh, God. . I wanna know her.


Raquel Baldelomar
You are her. In 2019, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent intense chemotherapy and radiation for a year. The time she spent recovering from breast cancer transformed her life as a cancer survivor. Her mission now is to create homes that are not just aesthetic and functionally pleasing, but also put health and wellbeing at the forefront of the design process. The signature Kim Gordon style is an expansive indoor outdoor home with big windows, natural light, and handcrafted finishes. She just recently broke a real estate record by selling her latest project, a Pacific Palisades compound for 18 million, which had an original asking price of 14 million. And between building a multimillion dollar business, she is a mother of two boys. Kim, welcome to The Mega Podcast.


Kim Gordon
. Thank you so much, Raquel. You're so nice, so generous.


Raquel Baldelomar
Um, Kim, one of my life principles is that the doors of your future can be as unassuming as they are unexpected. Mm-hmm. , tell me about that door in Puerto Rico that transformed you.


Kim Gordon
Oh, interesting. Bringing back Puerto Rico, you know, I think that being from New York, especially then, um, late eighties, whatever that was, the, um, I had gone to Puerto Rico so I could study and I was on a rooftop, and I don't remember, I was just kind of looking at it all. And there was this incredible woman, very heavy, two heavy women actually, and they were dancing with these men, and they were just, there was all that yummy juice. It was just, they were just dancing and having this amazing time. And I remember just looking at it, being so young, you know, and going, I don't know what this is, but I need this. Mm-hmm. . And I don't know if it was getting out of the intensity of the city or, or what exactly, or close-minded, you know, I was brought up in New Jersey as well, and, and just thinking about getting into this so sexy land of Puerto Rico and the heat and the music and the food. It's just hot, hot, hot. And I was so used to wearing sneakers to go to work and just so uptight. And oh my God, it transformed me. And I ended up living downstairs from a woman that was so creative, and her house was so crazy, I can't even begin to tell you. And when I remembered looking at it going, oh my God, is that one a witch? What is wrong with that lady? And when I went upstairs and sat in her place, she was busy with something I felt so alive or, or excited to be around, to be around ex. It was very excess, it was very, it was full of excess and color. And I remembered sitting there just thinking, whoa. Like, it was just as if the food and the heat from the food is now on her walls. And the sexy and the, all of this was around me, and I know that I changed at that second. It's funny you should mention it, but I mean, as the first question, I know I talk a lot, but that's, I have to say that this was really a special time.


Raquel Baldelomar
Is that where like your grunge aesthetic developed?


Kim Gordon
Hmm. That's a really great way to look at it, because I became obs. I had a camera and I relied photography, and I ran around. And back then Puerto Rico was like falling apart, like the walls were mm-hmm. just naturally falling apart, but they're brightly colored. So you would have this real wabisabi of this kind of creepy stuff kind of growing. And the house is becoming inhabited by plants and trees were growing. And I just ran around and took so many photographs and became completely obsessed with this. I guess you called it a grunge aesthetic, but I would say it was more like a, yeah, yeah. I mean, kind of like, um, is it organic? Is it natural? You know, it was very like that. Yeah.


Raquel Baldelomar
I've always also


Kim Gordon
That's interesting.


Raquel Baldelomar
Yeah. I've always also believed that like your mentors have, you know, can have such a great impact on your life. Mm-hmm. . And you were blessed to have Don Henley as a mentor. I know, right? Tell me about that experience. How did, oh my God. How did that encounter happen?


Kim Gordon
Wow. I was doing faux finishing and I was doing, you know, that was back in the day we had sponge like Italian restaurants and stuff. And, um, I got, I was working for some reason at the Capital Records building for a man who did sound. Um, and I guess he was very well known in the business, and we were talk, he wanted to do some coloring thing, and he needed me to, I don't remember what I was, something like that. And then he said, do you antique wood? And you know, I'm, I work for myself. You never say no. Mm-hmm. , I mean, you work for yourself. You just always say yes. Mm-hmm. So I'm like, yeah, I, of course, I, you know, yes, of course. He said, well, Bob Vela just left one of my clients, I guess Bob Villa was in Malibu at the time and was doing samples for someone. He wouldn't tell me his name, um, and that the client didn't like it, and would I go look at it? So he then told me, who was Don Henley in the Eagles and Ignorantly? I'm like, yeah, the Eagles, which one is their songs? Which is ridiculous because you know every word. But for some reason, I was disconnected. He'd kill me if I, if you heard me or he wouldn't. But I listened to the, I listened to their music and I realized what was wrong with the samples that the guy had done. They were perfect. So Bob Villa had two perfect. That he made things look old. He was antiquing that crackle style. Remember this back in the day? Mm-hmm. . And the guy did it so over, over perfect. That I looked at it and went, oh my God, I could never do anything as good as this. But then I put on the Eagles. Now I know you could laugh cuz everyone knows the Eagles. So


Raquel Baldelomar
You're listening to Hotel California,


Kim Gordon
Uhhuh totally in my studio. And somehow I'm just kind of in it and I'm just, and I'm like, oh, I get it. It can't look perfect. He doesn't, he wants it to be jacked a little bit. Mm-hmm. like, you know. And I started chipping away at it and took some really big, really, really big moves on this. Like, I was a little bit nervous. And then I presented it, and then, um, Don came out and said, um, he was ridiculous. He just came out with his accent, his very Texas accent. Just, did you do this girl, did someone else do this? And I said, no, I, I swear I did this little girl. Like, you didn't do this. I go, I, no, I did it. And ended up getting the job to do all of his wood in the house, which sounds weird, but he had a lot of woodworking and he needed a lot of like, just really gentle or interesting mm-hmm. Just to kind of funky it up a little bit. Kind of recording studio slash studio for himself. And, um, then I ended up doing his house in, in Texas, and I would go on these meetings with these architects, like really high end, especially in Texas, and this really man mentality, Superman mentality. And I would go in there and I think half of them wondered what I was doing there. Like, is he banging this girl? Is he with this girl? Like, what is she doing here? But Don was like, you're the only person that would tell me the truth, and you're the one that's gonna, you know, think for me when I'm not paying attention. Or he said something like this. And one time the architect and people were building some, they were talking to him about some cabinetry, and they said, um, so Don, they said, oh yes, so we're gonna have this. And I said, well, what are the shelves made out of? And they said, glass, I go in his bathroom, he's gonna have glass shelves. And he said, yes. And I'm like, he ain't gonna like that because I instantly knowing Don is very sensitive, he's a very cre—obviously he's an artist and he is an extremely sensitive man. And the thought that he's gonna have a glass of water in his bathroom and reach and place it on a glass shelf, I just was like, there's no way he's gonna like that sound. Even the sensitivity it takes. Wow.


Raquel Baldelomar


Kim Gordon
Sound, the sound is


Raquel Baldelomar
What he was.


Kim Gordon
It would bug him out. Wow. And, and, and then I'm thinking further than that. You know, when you're putting something down on glass, you have a, there's a moment there where you come outta yourself and you think, am I being cautious? Am I using, can I break something? And all of that energy thinking about putting something on that shelf, for instance, was lost because it's about being a glass shelf. Mm-hmm. . So I'm gonna go, can we make that stone? Or can we do something? You know, that kind of stuff. Like, it, it seems like it's nothing, but this is where I started to get built. Right. To your point about being self-taught, it was, and to call him someone who taught me a lot, it's his sensitivity and his awareness of what he likes. That's the right way to put it. To watch him in his own eyes. He is a feeler. And in the feeling of it is where I started to go, oh, like, it has to feel good. And that glass on top of glass doesn't feel right. There's a whole thing to it. And that is kind of how it started, I guess.


Raquel Baldelomar
And you're self-taught, I mean, I think that's what's incredible about your, your homes is that no, you know, you didn't go to architecture school mm-hmm. . That's right. Design. I


Kim Gordon
Mean, I, I, I'm only a high school. I, I, I left high. I mean, I graduated from high school and I just wasn't a, whether it's ADD now, I guess they'd call it, I'm not sure. But something had me, that schooling wasn't, I couldn't, I couldn't focus,


Raquel Baldelomar
But it was, I mean, you still, your education was through these in many ways, these artists


Kim Gordon
Mm-hmm. . Oh, yes.


Raquel Baldelomar
You know, Millie Arango mm-hmm. and Don Henley and these oth, I mean these artists mm-hmm. that you surrounded yourself, you know, ga gave you just this incredible like how to feel, how to, you know, get into space, how to feel a space.


Kim Gordon
Yeah. It's interesting when you think about it, even the way you got here, I'm not sure where, where, how your story is, but I think paying attention while you're there, I didn't. Right. I was young. I'm just like, oh, Don's paying me and, you know, whatever it was. But now I'm older. Right. And looking back, and I think all of these experiences, we should spend so much time blessing ourselves and bless and just trusting, why is this happening to me? Because you're learning something amazing right now. Mm-hmm. , you know, uh, Ima, all the mistakes are, all of that is so important as we get, you know, thinking about it,


Raquel Baldelomar
When you're creating someone's home, you talk about how it's someone's nest and it's such an intimate process. People look at their home as a place to find balance, calmness. Well as it's a soft landing pad. How do you create that sensation in interior design?


Kim Gordon
Um, are you asking me in relation to me being a designer for a person or the, when I'm doing the, like my houses,


Raquel Baldelomar
Let's tell your houses. Exactly. I think, I think your houses is when is when you have the creative process to do whatever you want. Mm-hmm. . And I do wanna get into just the difference between working for a client versus, but, but I just, there's something about your homes that have this extreme, like, it's j it's a feeling. Mm-hmm. , it's, it's almost indescribable that,


Kim Gordon
I mean, I'm gonna ask you something. This seems a little off topic maybe, but you know, when you go into, when you travel and you end up in a church or you end up in a museum Yeah. And you get this feeling, there's something like, wow. It's really, you know, it feels, I think, I don't know what that is, right? I don't know if any need scientists or non-scientists Magic. Magic. Yeah, it is. Right? It's kind of a magic. Yeah. And or is it really the energy of the people that we're creating the space? Like is it the people that we're making something, um, and as they were making it mm-hmm. ,


Raquel Baldelomar
It's the energy. I mean, I really believe that people's energy, they, it stays in the home.


Kim Gordon
Mm-hmm. . Totally. And that's bringing us to Mauricio a little bit. When he and I got together, I think because our love, like, uh, we were together and we were falling in love and building these houses and there was so much like belief in each other and loving each other. Mm-hmm. that there was just a lot of that was imbued, I think in the house. Mm-hmm. , it wasn't, I mean, yes, I guess he can always work with another designer and I could always work with another contractor. But there is a certain, like you say, there's a certain little like, mm. A little bit of magic, or there is a lot of magic I guess, in just mm-hmm. Being there and the households that right? In a weird way. Yeah. Like, as we're in there and we're contemplating it, like the house itself, it's, you know, starts to kind of Mm. Become maybe or something.


Raquel Baldelomar
You said in some of our previous talks, how you like to meditate. Yeah. Oh yeah. You, you go into a house.


Kim Gordon
I figured that's what you were trying to get me in. She's trying to get me in there. , you


Raquel Baldelomar
Get, you, you actually get into, you sit in a house and meditate. Mm-hmm. . And I remember you saying one house when you were meditating, it actually told you that it wanted to be like a Disney theme.


Kim Gordon
Oh yeah. Girl, that was so wild. . Well, no, it's, it's, you know, you get to a house and it's true that I, I, you know what, it's kind of like a sports guy. Mm-hmm. . So when the sports guy is going to, I don't know, a runner say, and he does that visualization. Mm-hmm. You know, he's put on his music and he is like, ah. And you could see himself running or running back is kind of pushing through and he really gets into it. That's kind of what I think I do on another level with the houses. So it's kind of like a creative visualization. But I do listen, so I'm in the house, this particular house you're talking about. And it was pretty, when we first looked at it, it was covered in Disney stuff. Like, I can't even begin to tell. We're talking the curtains, the wallpaper. She was a bit of a hoarder. There was like a whole situation where she obviously was in love with Cinderella and there was just piles and piles of Disney. Like, like you cannot believe Disney, Disney threw up in this house. Really? . And I forgot about it. Cuz by the time you get the permits and you get the house, it's like a year later, whatever it was. And I wasn't even thinking about it. And I sat down and, um, take my shoes off and I get kind of quiet and I'm in the house feeling it and I'm like, all right, house. Cause I don't wanna make the house mad or the ancestors mad or anything. But I'm just listening to, I go, okay, we're gonna be working together. It's gonna be some changes. So like, where do you wanna start? It's kind of a fun little thing. Mm-hmm. , you know, it's a little art. Mm-hmm. , it's kind of part of my art. And the house in my head is like, I wanna be a castle. And I was like a castle. I'm in Venice, but when I heard it, I went, oh my god, castle. Cuz it was from Disney. Mm. The house has been celebrating. Right. The house has been celebrating this idea of Disney. I couldn't make peace with the Disney part. I had a lot of judgment. It's commercial. It's all the stuff that Disney is Right. And I'm just thinking, oh God, like what? Mickey Mouse and oh my God, you gotta be kidding me. That music. And ugh. Like, I just had all this around it. And then I realized something Raquel, it's the happiest place on earth. And I went, oh my God, this house is the happiest place on earth. And I just, I sang a lot in there when I was working. I, I spent a lot of time thinking about music. There's a lot of music in there. And long story short, the house was bought by, um, some musicians and they use it as a record, not kind of like a, a relaxed recording studio as well as a, um, a meeting place for literally the top talent in our, actually in our country.


Raquel Baldelomar
I think it's important to celebrate just the ancestors, the people, the previous owners Yes. Who live there.


Kim Gordon
Right. That's exactly


Raquel Baldelomar
Right. It really is. Like my, in my house, this artist, you know who, you know, she had had the house before, before I bought it. It was all pink.


Kim Gordon


Raquel Baldelomar
All pink, pink. Like, literally like hot pink. Everything, even like the backyard finishes was pink. Oh my god. And it was like, she, and, and, and it was awful. Yes. But it was just like, there was just this, I mean, talk about this happiness. Yes. There was just this, she was an artist and she was hippy and weird and mm-hmm. . And what I have done now is kind of is just find how to celebrate. Like Yes. She took care of it. Like she, she took care of it before I came here. Is


Kim Gordon
She alive?


Raquel Baldelomar
Yeah. She's like, she's off at Ventura. She's in Ventura. That's right. Now's, wow. I just think it's just like, it's really nice to think about how, you know, when you, when you're looking at a home, it's, it's like celebrating just the people who live there. Mm-hmm. and the history. And you do that you also really incorporate, I love how you incorporate sunlight. Mm. And like the ocean breezes, the local flora, all the nature. Mm-hmm. , , indoors. How do you work to achieve that balance between bringing nature and inside? How do you,


Kim Gordon
I guess, well, you know, this was Venice when I first started and I couldn't believe that the houses had these little tiny windows, like little eyeballs. And they were just looking out, desperate. The idea to sort of integrate that. Um, I guess in a way, you're tripping me out a little bit where it's reminded me a little bit about San Juan where I was saying that there's trees inside. And they were growing out using that as like a little creative way to look at it. I think just, you can't get enough really. Well you can, but not having to be able to have this desire to walk outside of your house,


Raquel Baldelomar
It's so powerful. Mm-hmm. , I mean, it's so healing. Like, one of the things I have found, I mean, when I moved to LA 11 years ago, one of the things that I wanted to do is, is incorporate just, you know, the, the outdoor, I mean this amazing weather, so many highs a year. I mean incorporating mm-hmm. , there's so much healing power to nature to the sun. Mm-hmm. and bringing that into your home was really important to me. So.


Kim Gordon
Yeah. But you've like, I just think, yeah. And it's funny cuz this is all pre covid. Mm-hmm. with the irony or whatever, not irony, but the luck or the such and such is after, during Covid we're all just like, oh my god, my house. And then it just became my house should be a place of healing. It should be. It's so funny cuz I, I used the word healing, but meaning getting home from the end, you don't have to be sick to be healed. You can fry, right? Mm-hmm. because you've been working too much. But if you're able to go home and disconnect in that time and honor the space. Yeah. And honor your own self and your self-care to go, ugh, I'm home. And the home is doing everything it can do to support you with, that means the ancestors, cuz you're asking them mm-hmm. , you're the previous house, you're asking the walls, you guys, I need you guys. Let's do this together. And I think it sort of vibrates and wakes up a little bit the house. Like, oh yeah, you mean you're talking to me? Oh, well let me make everything work really well for you. Let me stand stronger. Let me be a little bit brighter. Let me show you some surprises. That's what, yeah.


Raquel Baldelomar
There is a real sensuality to your homes. It has like this like palpable, visceral, it's almost like an eroticism. It's, you


Kim Gordon
Think so that's,


Raquel Baldelomar
I find it. Yeah. When in the first home, I think, and the, the first home on Millwood, I really, oh my god, I really felt that. Mm-hmm. . And can you, do you know where that comes from?


Kim Gordon
I wonder, you know, does that take us back to my relationship with Mauricio in a way, right? Like, I


Raquel Baldelomar
Mean, but I think it's, is it more, is it that


Kim Gordon
Or Well, I mean, I'm saying that it was a, it was that, that's the first thing I think, right? Cuz there's the romance and working together and the hope. But I do think that there was a certain coldness that I was viewing. Like, it's almost like you can either get a cute old fashioned, very cottage style house. Mm-hmm. or you get the really modern right. Cement on the floor, wood on the ceiling, a certain math. And then there was bringing in some hips. Yeah. There was like, I started trialing the floors. I st uh, walls. Then I had this thing about getting these metal windows, which I saw in Mexico, and I couldn't find 'em out here. I couldn't, I, I not, I went, Mexico's think that's huge. It was so crazy.


Raquel Baldelomar
I think too, it was what we were talking about the other day, about the Masculine and the Feminine. Mm-hmm. . I think that that like, marrying those two archetypes, I think adds this incredibly powerful.


Kim Gordon
I think you're right. I honestly do. I, and


Raquel Baldelomar
When I was looking at your homes, I, I was think, I was like, it's, you know, you have these steel windows mm-hmm. , you know, very sharp edges. Mm-hmm. very high. I mean, kind of stark windows. I mean there's, you know, the, the, the, you know, there's some, it's the masculine mm-hmm. , but then you also have like the handcrafted finishes. Mm-hmm. the incredible like textures


Kim Gordon
And petinas. Yes. And this is, and you think about it, how much did I curse myself back in the day for doing faux finishing? Oh, I'm just a painter. Oh, I just barely do this. I barely had any money. But think about how me touching those surfaces. Yeah. Hundreds of people's houses and going from there to take that craft and knowing that a handmade thing feels more sensuous. Mm-hmm. . And this was, again, this is before all these round things. So at the time I didn't even realize, obviously I just thought, I think I talked to you this about this once is I felt like it's just one house. Like, I mean, maybe one person is gonna actually like this. They're gonna go, wow, this is another option. Like, I can either have this or this, but this. But when people were walking through it, I kept noticing that men and women, oh, well this is what I'm talking about. See this is, and that's what you're getting into about the sensuality. Because I, if you want to, you know, it's just how men and women can both find that they can make babies in there . Yeah. Yeah.


Raquel Baldelomar
Do you know what I mean? Mean you want a home where you can make babies in, make babies


Kim Gordon
In . Yes. Basically. Yeah.


Raquel Baldelomar
Um, what would you say is the difference between a resort and a residence? I mean, I know you and I talk travel and travel inspiring us. Mm. It's a big, I mean, it inspires me tremendously, but


Kim Gordon
Me too.


Raquel Baldelomar


Kim Gordon
What do you, I think is it that a resort is full of people, right? Mm-hmm. . So one of the things that's so funny, whenever I go to a resort and I get into a spa, and God forbid you have like bridesmaids in there or some horrendous drunken right? You get to a spa and you're just like,


Raquel Baldelomar
You want a peace and call.


Kim Gordon
Yes. And you got some drunken friends in there.


Raquel Baldelomar
Yeah. Yeah.


Kim Gordon
You have made this commitment to spend a lot of money and share the space. Right. This beautiful space. And you're sharing it with, I don't know who, who, everyone who's there that you've never met. That's nice for us for connection cuz you got, you know, if you can open yourself up to it. But I kind of sometimes selfishly just wanna kind of be by myself. And in a way, the residents, if you're able to, and it's expensive, right? There's a lot of aspects to this. But if you can create like your bathroom to be a lot larger and your closet to feel like a room mm-hmm. and that you have something soft on your feet and you really put the energy into your home saying, how do I make this feel like a resort? And by the way, now you don't have a bunch of people, you can be naked walking around the house. You know, you could, you start to think you're right. Right. Yeah. And I think that's just the difference.


Raquel Baldelomar
I think that's a good point. Like, I love being able to walk around my bathroom when I wake up in the morning. I wanna go downstairs in my bathrobe. Mm-hmm. and I, I do that. But some resorts, some people will look at me a little funny.


Kim Gordon
Yeah, totally. Yeah. I do that. Yeah. . Yeah. And I've been to some resorts where they decide to keep their, their bathrobe on. Even through dinner. I just get by from Miraval. I don't know what it, I was being like, I just kind of was like, really go put on a dress like ?


Raquel Baldelomar
No, I, I wanna be able to just have a bathrobe.


Kim Gordon
So, okay. So if you,


Raquel Baldelomar
I would love to go to Miraval.


Kim Gordon
All right. So if you go to mi—if we go to Miraval together, I'm dressing pretty good for dinner and you're gonna wear a bathrobe.


Raquel Baldelomar
I love that. I'll come downstairs in the morning in the bathroom, basically. I'll, I'll, I'll work till like two o'clock in my bathrobe and then I'll finally change.


Kim Gordon
Oh, that's awesome. That's how I like to do that. How many times do you have to buy a bathrobe?


Raquel Baldelomar
I do have to get a bathrobe every once in a while. I mean, I just bought a new one, but I bought this new like Ralph Lauren plush bathrobe.


Kim Gordon
Did you? That's great. Yes. Oh, that's great. I have like three different ones and they hang in my closet and actually go, do I want the cool glossy light? Yeah. Sometimes


Raquel Baldelomar
You want like a silk, like I have like this red silk lapper bathroom that I Of course you do. That I wear at night, you know, and then when I wanna just feel sexy, I'll wear that. But then I have my, you know, Terry CLO bathroom in the morning. Mm-hmm.


Kim Gordon
completely. So


Raquel Baldelomar
How was Miraval? Oh, did you get inspired? Did


Kim Gordon
Did you get Yeah, I got, I didn't just get inspired. I had like a trip out. Like I could work here. Like I had,


Raquel Baldelomar
I'm, I'm going to Tulum on Friday,


Kim Gordon
Oh my god be careful by the way.


Raquel Baldelomar
Why is it just crazy?


Kim Gordon
Tulum got a little funky. Yeah. I have to say we went in a couple different places and then the girlfriend, I was in Tulum and we were somewhere. Oh. I went, I went to, um, oh, I'll tell you later. I forgot the name of it. But anyways, she, I mean full on guns. Full on. Oh really? While she was there. Really? They had to go under the table. Wow.


Raquel Baldelomar
Okay. Well thank you for telling me that.


Kim Gordon
So I don't know what kind of place, I'm guessing where she, I'm


Raquel Baldelomar
Staying at a hotel Bardo, which is a nice heard of hotel in, in Tulum. And then I'm going to um, uh, Maya Coba. Rosewood.


Kim Gordon
Yes. I went to with Maya Coba. Yes. I went to that. Nice. I went, yeah. Maya Coba is the bomb. Really? Maya Coba is.


Raquel Baldelomar
Okay. So see, like I, that's where I do my best writing


Kim Gordon
But make sure you're on a bicycle. Okay. I do the best everything.


Raquel Baldelomar
I do the best writing there, Ken. Like that's, I'm working on my next book and like I decided okay, I'm gonna really work on just, I need a, at least couple hours a day I wanna ride.


Kim Gordon
Do you go with people or go


Raquel Baldelomar
By Andre? My business partner. I'm getting him a room. Mm-hmm. and I'm, you know, getting my own room and you know, with the working


Kim Gordon
Vacation, she's just, she's just letting us know ladies and gentlemen that she is not banging her business.


Raquel Baldelomar
. Yes, exactly. . Exactly. No, she's just letting know. Has his concubines ? No, no. He's a, he's a wonderful, he's he's, he's my work husband. Right. Yeah. And you know, it's the talking, going to like, working with people who, you know, you, uh, like you work with your partner mm-hmm.


Kim Gordon
. Yeah. We work together and we're going through a terrible spat. Not terrible, but somehow after selling, if you, you brought up, you know, selling an 18 million house. This was, I don't know if it's a a a, a break. We had to, something was wrong. Like we were just on the stress of it really. Mm-hmm. . And these are two people, I can speak for myself, but I know that this relates to him as well. Just wanting to make things that are really beautiful and being so chill and lovely. And then having the level of responsibility and the level of stress that was involved. And that brings us into the cancer. Right. Because it got to be where then we had so many people contacting us. I'm, I am not, I'm an artist, so in a way, and I don't really understand the money part so much and it puts a lot of pressure on me. Money is fascinating. I know you're talking a little bit about that. And I have to say that, um, actually Don Henley told me something funny about money. What did he say? He said something. I remembered exactly the time he said it. He said, you know, Kim, I can't do his draw cuz that's insulting. But he's like, you know, Kim, your life is gonna change by a zero. And don't forget it's only a zero. And I'm like, uh, a zero. Yeah. You have bills right now that are a hundred dollars. One day your bills are gonna be a thousand. Mm-hmm. , one day those bills become 10,000. You might even have a bill one day, Kim, that's a hundred thousand dollars. But don't forget, it's just a zero. That's


Raquel Baldelomar


Kim Gordon
Interesting. I know. And I remember thinking at the time, I will never have a thousand dollars Bill . Yeah. Like, how could I ever, what would I ever buy? I remember thinking at the time, like, and even when we were discussing money with him about how I was gonna get paid for my work. I was struggling with something and he made a comment like, my money's not the same as your money to help me relax about it. Mm-hmm. . And I remember when he said that, I remember thinking, oh yeah. Cuz he lives in a different realm of money mm-hmm. . And I forget that a lot. And in my life now, of course I have, you know, financial people, I have, you know, um, hard money lenders. I can deal with banks and it's all, all I know is if something feels good or not,


Raquel Baldelomar
More money, more problems.


Kim Gordon
Yeah. Right. That's true. And I don't even, but the question is, is it more problems I wanna able to figure out? Right. What is the peace in it? What is


Raquel Baldelomar
The, I mean


Kim Gordon
Yeah, it's,


Raquel Baldelomar
This is, it's an inte It's because money gives you opportunities. Mm-hmm. , it solves, it solves problems, it gives you options, but it's, you know, it should not like be the one single thing that drives you. You know, there's a great saying that says like, money is a great servant, but a bad master.


Kim Gordon
Ooh. Nice. I like that.


Raquel Baldelomar
And I love that because it, to me it means like, it's like I think of, you know, there's many forms of wealth mm-hmm. , I think of money as just like, okay, you have like, you know, wealth, you have money, wealth mm-hmm. , but there experiences wealth. You have wealth, location wealth, you have adventure wealth, you have glamor wealth, you have cultural wealth. Mm-hmm. , you have educational wealth. Mm-hmm. , there's many other forms of wealth. And, and I think especially as an artist like you, I never saw you be driven by money. Yeah.


Kim Gordon
I was just gonna say. Yeah. One of the interesting things I think about money as you're talking about it, is I never, I, I'm sure I'm only speaking for myself sitting at this chair, but I've never hunted for money. I never thought about it. I remembered when they told me how my did the first house. We did the first house and they showed the interest rate that they wanted was so through the roofing. Crazy. And at the time, you know, a lot of people would say, no, why would you do it for that? And I'm like, well, I have never done it. Like, they're trusting me. It's kind of crazy and it's probably gonna make me more money than if I had a client. So be, you know what I mean? Like real money mm-hmm. . And I thought, Hmm, if, if I just make enough that I'm doing okay, then that's all I care about. Mm-hmm. . And that was how I, and I really just wanted to do it with Mauricio that we were just building this thing. And I was real excited to see kind of my shrines become life size in a way. I was making my shrines at the time. And yeah man, I think that then the money thing just came with it. And I never stopped and thought there's no way that, especially in the beginning that I stopped and thought, Ooh, I can make a lot of money with this. I just kind of wanted to be the artist in Venice.


Raquel Baldelomar
Did, did you ever get to a point where like you, like you defaulted on a loan or some, like something happened mm-hmm. where you're like, oh my God, like I could really, something could be really bad here.


Kim Gordon
Mm-hmm. , it's happened. Um, specifically with this house, when I found out I had cancer. Wow. So when I found about the cancer, well two, a couple things happened. One of them was that because of the way the house is situated, there was problems with the permits, which we did not anticipate. And that could have been a whole like, oh whoa. Like it stopped us for a minute. But that's where courage comes in, I think. And courageousness where I, where it's like you kind of looked at it and went, I think it's okay. I mean, look at the, the big pictures this, and then kind of get through. It never actually stopped us when the breast cancer happened. It was like, not just the breast can cuz you get breast cancer. Like, whoa, I had a bad one. And, and at the time, it wasn't just that, it's the energy that it takes to heal. And I of course looked at it much bigger. What am I doing wrong? What am I bringing into my body? Or whatever that has brought this disease on me has brought this illness upon me in a way. Right? Mm-hmm. , I'm, I don't know if that's the right way to think.


Raquel Baldelomar
What did, like how did it just happen? Like, did you just wake up one day and you like found a tumor?


Kim Gordon
Yeah. No. Kind of. I mean, he did, you know, he knows my breast better than me. .


Raquel Baldelomar
Every man should


Kim Gordon


Raquel Baldelomar
Every man should do a breast a breast exam. What? Yeah. I don't think you have to worry about it once a month. . Exactly.


Kim Gordon
For sure. He was, you know, and he just went, oh, that's weird. It feels like a little lump. And I was like, oh, oh yeah, really? And, you know, whatever. And then in the middle of the night, that same night, remember waking up and touching it and going, honey, it has to be cancer. And he goes, what? Why would it have to be cancer? I go, well, what could it be? It's a lump in my breath. What else would it be? Mm-hmm. . Anyway, so that turned into that and we had to really make a serious decision about, about, um, about the, uh, work and about the house and were we gonna keep it? And yeah. So I wore this ice cap, so I wouldn't tell anyone I was sick. We didn't tell anybody. And really,


Raquel Baldelomar
You didn't even tell your children?


Kim Gordon
Oh, I did, kind of, but it was such a light thing. That's a mistake. Wow. Having boys. I should have let them see a little bit more of my weakness in a way so they could feel empowered mm-hmm. Or whatever to kind of help their mom to help a woman. Mm-hmm. That's something, oops, excuse me. I, that's something I've been thinking a lot about, about going out in the world and men taking care, not taking care of, but just having em, empathy and compassion and being a partner and being a, I wanna say powerful or accomplished dish or whatever I am, um, that's strong, courageous, whatever the word is you have for me, I don't have the right word, but having that as a mom, you know, and you're doing everything. I mean, I'm, you know, I'm cooking, I'm grabbing this, I'm, you know, going to the grocery store, it's quicker for me to do it myself. This kind of mentality. I paid a lot of attention while I was sick thinking about that.


Raquel Baldelomar
The Wonder Woman.


Kim Gordon
Yeah. The wonder woman thing. Like Wonder Woman, like, what are these boys gonna look for? My sons? They're gonna be looking for a woman that's gonna do it all. I just realized if I had let them see me get a little sick, you know, if I had that opportunity, I'm, I'm divorced. So with their dad. And so he would, I mean, I would just kind of, when I knew I was gonna be sick, I would just make sure that dad had them. So they didn't have to see me that way. Really.


Raquel Baldelomar
Because rather than letting them see you, you don


Kim Gordon
Wanna be, this was vulnerable was a mistake a little bit. Really kind


Raquel Baldelomar
Of. Would you say that is like how you've changed since cancer mm-hmm. , like you're, you're allow, you would allow your kids to see you more vulnerable?


Kim Gordon
Yeah, I think it's, and I, not just for myself. Mm-hmm. Because I mean, I, you know, you're sick, you're laying in bed, you don't really need anything. It was the idea for them to be like, I can step up here. You know, like it happens in the movies, you know, it just, I just didn't, I just dropped it. I just, again, took care of it and feel a little bad for them that they didn't have the same


Raquel Baldelomar
Opportunity. What has motherhood been like


Kim Gordon
In general? Motherhood's, hard man. Motherhood. I don't know if it's hard. I have to say that as an artist, it's a decision. I meet people and you know, I'll say, oh, do you want kids? And they say no. And I'm like, oh my God, that's awesome. And they go, wow. No one ever says that. Everyone's expecting you to have kids. That's such a personal thing. And I don't know if people really spend the time to realize that they are actually making children. You know, it's not just like, it's this cute, it's almost like you're bringing a puppy home. Like it's not, it's really, it's, and it's a lifetime and it's transformative for yourself.


Raquel Baldelomar
Well this is this big struggle that, you know, successful people who have responsibilities, who are doing great work, you know, fulfilling their professional dreams. Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . If you are, if you make the choice to be a mother, how do you also, you know, how are you not an absent mother? Mm-hmm. , how are you a present mother?


Kim Gordon
Right, exactly. And then how do you do it if you're lucky and you have a good partner. Right. You know, and then the partner and you, you know, you're playing tennis, you know, it's back and forth. You know, I'm doing this, I'm the money maker right now, for instance, or I'm the whatever I'm doing and then my partner's doing the other, you know, and that's probably, that's where it is. And then the kids get to grow up and watch that like, wow, you know, my part, my a man or a woman, they were taking care of me while the other one, you know, my mother was off doing this. And, but I think talking about it more with the kids, I think we don't give them enough credit.


Raquel Baldelomar
You talk to them about, oh, and how am I a good mother to you?


Kim Gordon
Yeah. I really, I mean, my son, my one son said, I thought you were really mean during the time of the cancer. Really? Yeah. And I go, really? You think so? But I was so crazy. Like, they give you the worst drugs, God, and it's all kinds of crazy drugs. It's like crazy making. I'd be up at like four in the morning, clean the chandelier or grinding my teeth. I forgot that, you know, they would give you so much junk and just so it would have me, so you're also exhausted, but that first day or two you're like manic and then it just crashes and you get sick. Really. And I don't wanna say that to anybody if they don't, haven't gone through it is everyone's personal experience, but I just really got like this from the medication. So you


Raquel Baldelomar
Became mean.


Kim Gordon
I kind of mean bitchy crazy. I know. Hello. And, um, yeah. And that and that. But I said, but I never, cuz if they knew I was sick and that was part of it, if I was more responsible to my kids, I'd say,


Raquel Baldelomar
But you weren't really telling them


Kim Gordon
About. Right. I wasn't sick. I didn't really think about it. I didn't, when I was going crazy by then, I was not really crazy. Oh. And that as a side note, by the way, when I started it, I al it also pushed me into menopause. Mm-hmm. something called chemical induced menopause. I was every 28 days before that. And it was like, boom. And you just, so I was also like a crazy going


Raquel Baldelomar
Through menopause.


Kim Gordon
Uhhuh and hot flashes and not like, yes. And because it's like, you know, usually at menopause it takes you a couple years, you know, it takes a while. You kind of spot a little bit and you're waiting and, but this was like, it happened immediately. Immediately within the first month you were like, bam. And then all of your hormones changed. Um, and I was just, I just wasn't myself. So instead of being more present for my kids, maybe mm-hmm. to say to them, by the way, just so you know, I'm gonna be doing this, this and this while I'm sick or whatever. And like I did a little research and it felt, turns out I might be getting tired or my hair might, but keeping my hair was important for them. Cause I didn't want them to see me be bald, even though I never thought about it before


Raquel Baldelomar
That. That's great that you had an ice pack. So the way you were not Oh, that's terrible. The way you did not go bald with chemo was you put an ice pack on your,


Kim Gordon
Oh, it's, so you can't believe this.


Raquel Baldelomar
Wow. That's amazing that you,


Kim Gordon
Have you not heard of this?


Raquel Baldelomar
I I mean, you're the one who told me about it.


Kim Gordon
Oh it's crazy. Wow. It's the craziest thing. It's what, 32 degrees below zero. They put it on your head, um, an hour or two before or during the chemo on five hours after. And the girl that you have to have do this, um, changes it every 25 minutes. Wow. So, I mean, I don't know how many brain cells and muscle lost , but not great hair. Have beautiful hair. You have gorgeous hair. I know. It's crazy.


Raquel Baldelomar
When that happened and you went through cancer, did you base stop and say, I, my life is not in balance. Like this is a message from the universe. Oh, for sure. That my life is not in balance. I am not doing things. Mm-hmm. , maybe I have all this money. I have this success. Mm-hmm. that there's, this is, you know, is that, did you go through that and, and what evolved from, from that realization?


Kim Gordon
Without a doubt. When I first had it, it was a couple things. One of them, Milli Arango had cancer. She had breast cancer, then it turned into a brain cancer. Really? And it turned out that she had the type of cancer, it's called triple negative breast cancer. Now, triple negative breast cancer mainly affects, um, black women in Latin women and some Asian women. And I have no, I, it turns out I'm a hundred percent European, which is really a disappointment. . I was pretty horrified. But anyway, um, it turn, anyway, yeah. So I had triple negative breast cancer as well. Um, when I heard that it stopped me denomic tracts, I was like, wait, what did you say? Triple negative breast cancer.


Raquel Baldelomar
The same as your mentor.


Kim Gordon
Yes. And I was like, how is this possible? She's a Latina. She was like an Afro-Latina. And, um, she had this breast cancer that she should, I, you know, is hereditary or whatever. And I just stood there going, oh, uh, oh. And I remember thinking like, I trust that the world is crazy and I don't know enough about it. And I remember just stopping dead on my tracks and kind of laughing like, oh shit, this is gonna be a, this is gonna be a trip. Like, you know, like it was something like that happened to me. And I guess it did. I mean there, I didn't anticipate any of it. Like I knew like, I'm gonna beat them. I didn't even really have that. I just kind of went, I just went and did it. I was always afraid of medicine, always disliked doctors. As soon as I heard I had breast cancer, I called Brazil, Israel, Germany looking for whatever treatments and would contact the top people and they would read my file and go, yeah, you gotta do chemo if it comes back or you gotta do chemo. Nobody wanted me. It was obvious I had to do the bad route.


Raquel Baldelomar
Do you think you were like focused on your own self-care before cancer?


Kim Gordon
No, I never thought about myself.


Raquel Baldelomar
Really. And what about after? Do you think


Kim Gordon
You Yeah, now it's like, although I've fallen off a little bit from some stresses and I'm heavy now, but I think it's the covid and age. I don't know what's going on, but I just, yeah.


Raquel Baldelomar
We can talk about aging too. .


Kim Gordon
My god, I don't know what, I just, it's so funny. I had a photo shoot the other day and he sent me the pictures and I was like, oh my God, I haven't even looked in a mirror. . It was at a heart attack, but, um, whatever. Um, yeah, I mean now I'm thinking obviously I'm thinking more about self-care and, and also a lot about my kids, not just just boys. Mm-hmm. I have two boys and I just think like, what are boys learning? Like what's going on in the world? Mm-hmm. I'm sure if I had girls it would, it would also throw me off. Be


Raquel Baldelomar
Different problems.


Kim Gordon
Yeah, definitely. Oh my


Raquel Baldelomar
Gosh. There'd be like, mom, I'm 15 years old and here's my 22 year old boyfriend.


Kim Gordon
. Oh my God. Totally. That was me. Was it? Yes.


Raquel Baldelomar
Wow. I had, yeah, that kind of drew my mind. I was, I was like, I had this fake ID at 17 years old Uhhuh going to these nightclubs being, oh my God, I was a wild girl.


Kim Gordon
And you're so hot. That must have been just trouble.


Raquel Baldelomar
Oh, I, I, I was trouble for my mom. I can't, I was a straight A student. Oh, that's good. But I was, I was troubled, so I bet. Um, going to relationships. Mm-hmm. , you, you've had this long-term relationship with Mauricio and, um, what has it been like to just work with him and how do you like, maintain the boundaries between the work and the home life?


Kim Gordon
I think we, we messed up. He and I actually, I don't think we, I think all the stress of it and then the cancer and then all the pushing through and trying to get something finished and the way he's trying to do it and he's trying to keep his own sense of self. You know, a man who's, you know, a construction guy, he's from Mexico City. He brings all of his own stuff into it. And then for me, a woman who's quick, fast, fast, fast, you know, where he's very earthy and very, you know, uh, he's like in it. And then I'm just, oh my God. You know, just spinning around. It's like Lucy and Ricky, everywhere we go, . It's just about that. And um, I don't know if it's we lost our individuation or if we lost our sense of, or, or for instance, our sense of self. Mm-hmm. , it's just, I got, I don't know what happened. I have to say that we messed up. I have maybe since the cancer, in a way, actually, I think it's a good analogy. It's like we're going through a healing process right now that I can't change. I can't fix. I wanna know, am I gonna know that he and I will be together forever? Am I gonna, he's going to, we're both going to figure it out. I don't actually know. And what's interesting for me since, and it to your point about cancer or, or whatever happened as a change, I don't actually have any energy in the outcome. I'm actually so paying attention more to what it looks like right now. Yeah. You're


Raquel Baldelomar
Not focused on this is what's gonna happen. Mm-hmm. This is what we're gonna do. You're just like in, you're like,


Kim Gordon
Are we together? We not together. What are we doing? It's like, we need a break right now. We've been, we haven't been kind to each other. We haven't been really loving and supporting each other. We did this huge house, which we should be just all over each other. Like, holy shit, we did this.


Raquel Baldelomar
How, is there anything you guys did that, like you did, that created your own time together? Like, is there anything you would do with him to focus on your Oh, I know


Kim Gordon
Where you're going with this. . Okay. All right. What Raquel is leading us towards is the fact that, um, Mauricio and I for many years, many years, I gotta tell you a long time, we always had a four o'clock sex appointment and we never broke it. And I'm telling you, this is, if I tell you it's every day, it was basically every day. Or it was every, it was every day. It was all the time . And it was always at four o'clock. And there were times when we had people in the house or working or doing stuff like that. And it was, it was like a dead on. We have to do this. And it was never forced. It never felt like, I don't know how it happened. It just, we noticed that sex felt better at four in the afternoon. I've done much thinking about this. Cause the morning is too early. You feel too, you feel too this right. Nighttime, you're probably just too tired and drunk or ate too much dinner or whatever you're doing at night. And then the kids of course are gonna be somewhere, but at four o'clock, it's right before they come in. So it's a nice little break. So you kind of jump into bed, have some fantastic sex, and then you can take off and pick the kids up from school and make dinner and you're whistling while you work. I love that, that I swear to God it was, I love that. You know, you're probably po I mean, maybe we should just get back to that. Maybe that's, that would just make everything better.


Raquel Baldelomar
I, I think that is


Kim Gordon
Added and we didn't do


Raquel Baldelomar
That. Like, so beautiful. I mean that even it sounds so regimented.


Kim Gordon
It really wasn't. I mean, it, it, yeah. And you know what, by the way, about regimented, I have to say, I have got such a busy schedule now, and it, and yes, there is these big things on my schedule. Tick, tick, tick, tick, all this stuff goes down and it's, you're trying to get it done and there's very little room in there for change. But then you start thinking about it like, is it so bad to slip my husband in there, like, to slip my man in there? Course it's, I mean, isn't that bad?


Raquel Baldelomar
I mean, and it also, it's what makes us complete women. You know, we're not just like, it just makes us what complete women. You're the one who taught me Kim. Oh my God, what at the end of a long workday. Mm-hmm. , all I wanna do is go home and suck a big dick.


Kim Gordon
. Whoa, .


Raquel Baldelomar
Right. You're the one who taught me that. And I realized like, you know what, when you are trying, when you're building businesses, when you are just, you know, uhhuh leading people, being powerful, being the one in control mm-hmm. and being, and, and just having this incredible responsibility. You just like, it's, it's having a nice way of just like showing another side of yourself with your partner. Mm-hmm. is, is, is, is such,


Kim Gordon
And you know, it's actually interesting because in work where we work together, he is the masculine theor. Mm-hmm. , right? He's the contractor, he's this, when it comes down to the face of the company and having to go to the investors and to, and to really negotiate and to get out there, that's me. So people could say, well, you know, Mauricio, you know, well, he's Mr. Gordon, so to speak. Mm. Right. Mm-hmm. , like, there's a little bit of that that could come at play, but I just, I'm like, no, no, you gotta bend me over. Like, or whatev, like, I literally can't. Yes. It's like you have to, he has to own it. And that is


Raquel Baldelomar
He has to own it. And that he has to just Yeah. I just think that,


Kim Gordon
And I don't give it to him as a present. I want that. Yes. Like, I'm not just being, I'm not bending over cuz I'm like, see,


Raquel Baldelomar
I think that is part of balance. Like, I think as a, to be a complete woman mm-hmm. , you know, and I think you and I are very similar in that way is that we, like, we can be very al we're strong, very strong alpha women. Mm-hmm. when we need to be. Yeah. But it's also like, it, there is another element where we enjoy being the more maternal, the submissive. Mm-hmm. , which is like, we don't, we, we want a very strong powerful mm-hmm. alpha male.


Kim Gordon
That's part of, and it's part of also and to your point about balance in, in my life with Mauricio, it's like, we needed that, like in, and I was just like, oh my God, take me. I'm just so tired of thinking and making another decision and one more person asking me a question. Or even the kids, and where are we gonna have dinner? Fuck dinner. Yeah. Lunch. Oh my God. Making another God get lunch. But the thing about food and when are you gonna cook it and what are you gonna do? And what kind of, it's just too much work. I just want, I just wanna be just taken care of. And it's what, what is it? An hour like, or half an hour? Like what is that time? That time is just, oh God, get this freaking orgasm out of me so I can get on and go for the rest of the day and sleep better. And then, and then I think he's kind of like, she needs me. Yeah. Like, in a way, right. He's, that's so beautiful. Right. I think he lays their thinking or lays there whatever afterwards and he'll think,


Raquel Baldelomar
That's so romantic. She needs it. It's so beautiful. And I hope more couples across America can make four o'clock sex appointments. . And who knows, maybe


Kim Gordon
That might have to be three. It's hard. I mean, how can people do this? And I would tell him that all the time. I was always saying, this is why we work for ourselves. Mm-hmm. , we work for ourselves so we can get a little beach house, you know, somewhere else and do a little bit of work from there, and then just hang out in the sun. Mm-hmm. , like, there's no reason that we can't have more balance. And this is something I battle he doesn't have that. He is, he's going through something. I'm not sure. But it was something that was a little bit darker. I'm not entirely sure where Mauricio is, but he's got a little spot and, um, I can't get him out of it. Like, I can't help him. And I think the best thing in the world is we're taking a break right now for both of us. Like I am really, uh, hanging out with some more girlfriends of mine and doing lots of little trips and just really happy. And I'm surprised at my lack of, I'm really surprised by my lack of wanting to control it and want to be like, let's go to therapist and fix this right now. Yeah. It's almost like the breath is needed.


Raquel Baldelomar
The space. Yeah. Mm-hmm. , I mean, I think mm-hmm. I, I, do you know who Esther Perella is? Of course. Yeah. Gosh, I love Esther Perella


Kim Gordon
I know you do.


Raquel Baldelomar
And she's honestly, you know, one of the things she talks about is that you, there's a paradox between desire and love. Mm-hmm. , you know, and, and how, you know, you can't have, like, he's not yours,


Kim Gordon


Raquel Baldelomar
Mm-hmm. , like he has his own identity mm-hmm. and he has his own self and mm-hmm. , you know, and, and when you can actually, you know, what creates desire is, is the individuality of who he is. Mm-hmm. , but also the element of giving someone space mm-hmm. and letting them just work through Yeah. What they, and giving you space mm-hmm. and then mm-hmm. , hopefully, you know, if if it, when you come back, you, you can actually see each other.


Kim Gordon
Yeah. Girl, that is exactly it. And I didn't realize how I was climbing on top. I was trying to fix it. I'm so afraid to lose him. So afraid to lose that I, something happened. I was super, I have, you know, you start to learn more about your roots and my family and I have a whole codependent Irish Catholic, you know, alcoholism, parents, you know, father, and just, you know, the, the, that sort of baggage I guess, or that kind of learning. And as I'm working through that is why I'm thinking more about my own kids. What are they learning now? Like I know what I learned from my parents mm-hmm. And it's not great. What are


Raquel Baldelomar
They learning from you?


Kim Gordon
What are they learning from me? What are they learning from their dad? What are they learning from Mauricio? Mm-hmm. Like what, you know, what is happening here? How do I, how can I be better service also to them? You know?


Raquel Baldelomar
Are you going to therapy?


Kim Gordon
Yeah, totally. That's great. I have, I've got a hardcore guy.


Raquel Baldelomar
That's so good. I think that's so important.


Kim Gordon
My God, I've never had a guy therapist. Really? I think I did when I was like super young.


Raquel Baldelomar
I've had both men and women and they're, I mean, different, but I mean, I think both are good. Yeah.


Kim Gordon
But I think it's important who's just like, cuz I have boys and, and Miles was having a little bit of difficulty at Michigan, uh, when he went to school. Just little things, social stuff or whatever, you know, it's your first year in college and he's, um, suffering a little bit. And I, I hunted and found this guy and he really started helping Miles. And then Dax was having a couple little things and then he started seeing Dax and then I was watching him and I would come in to talk to him for a few minutes and I'm like, you know, I'd like to see if you and I could work together. And it was kind of hardcore cuz he's like, uh, he writes books about, man, his name is Steven Polter. He writes books about, um, men and relationships and boys. And he's got this fantastic book that I think he's working on right now. And, um, oh my God, I've learned so much. Oh yeah.


Raquel Baldelomar
I've, I'm a huge believer in it.


Kim Gordon
Are you really?


Raquel Baldelomar
Yeah. My mother's a psychotherapist. She's a union psychotherapist. Oh my God. I love it. And I just think, and, you know, understanding, you know, one of the biggest things I look at, you know, Carl, Carl Jung, is he, he, he works in archetypes mm-hmm. . And when you can kind of understand archetypes and understand like the archetypes that have influenced you mm-hmm. and then what are the archetypes that you have? I find those fascinating.


Kim Gordon
Yeah, me too. I think that's really, oh my God, that's exactly what is here in front of us a lot.


Raquel Baldelomar
Yeah. And you what? And


Kim Gordon
It's a little mysterious, you know, these archetypes and all this, so it's, you and I start getting back to ancestors. We start getting back to storytelling. You start getting back into all of this, all of those guys.


Raquel Baldelomar


Kim Gordon
And that's, and that's kind of, I think what we bring into


Raquel Baldelomar
So much of it is subconscious. Yeah. Like so much of like what we do is subconscious, but then I think that therapy helps connect the subconscious. Mm-hmm. and the conscious, like for me it's meditation especially.


Kim Gordon
I was just gonna say, I was just gonna say it's meditation.


Raquel Baldelomar
It's meditation. Like it's, it's, I think so much of what we do is subconscious, but then when we meditate and we can actually have the space to just feel it. Mm-hmm. and that, you know, you talk about how like


Kim Gordon


Raquel Baldelomar
Yeah. You're like, how space, like I remember in, you know, one of the things you had talk, talk about is just how a space makes you feel. Mm-hmm. it, you have to like, allow that to sink in and kind of connect with it mm-hmm. and you need to meditate in that.


Kim Gordon
Right. And that's bringing up, when we talked originally about, when you asked me what do I do to the houses? And I said, well, is it the houses that I do for myself or houses for clients? Mm-hmm. There is a psychological aspect that I've been exploring more with clients in, in my mind and a little bit of my meditation and asking myself, how do I wanna move forward with my work and my business? You know? And I think a lot about like, how do you wanna use your space? People come and they say, I just bought this house. We're moving in in two weeks. We need to get finished. And, and they do this. And I'm like, you have to live in the house, do the bare minimum and live in there. Like live in there for like, you only have to live here for two weeks before you're gonna know, then call me. Because once you lived in there, you know, you really start going, oh my God, I totally thought I would use that door. But it turns out I'm always going through the garage and then the garage doesn't have a place to put your stuff down. And then you start to build. Or I pull, I never park in the driveway. It turns out I always go in the garage or some crazy thing. I can't walk the dog because then the door is this and then you, you can shift the house and create the space when someone's lived there. Mm-hmm. . And that comes from just organic living.


Raquel Baldelomar
Since Covid hit, so many people are now having to use their home. Mm-hmm. as a way to work. Mm-hmm. , when the home was there were spite that the home was the place. Mm-hmm. where people go wait, you know, to, to get away from work. Yeah. Mm-hmm. , how do you now look at a home and how do you, you know, create boundaries? How, yeah. Yeah. How would you recommend people create boundaries in their home when now the work life and the home life are the same?


Kim Gordon
Yeah totally. I mean, I think it's gonna bring back the dining room. You know, we've had these open floor plans mm-hmm. And now you're like hiding in a closet so that you keep away from someone else where you're trying to have a zoom call. So if you can have the dining room that can close off, remember, you know, these are old fifties, we would get into these houses and the kitchen was closed off. Remember those swing saloon doors? Yeah. And that would have like a pantry that was over there that was on another door. And then you go, I'm not sure if doors aren't the answer. Where we've just had these huge open floor plans that's still works.


Raquel Baldelomar
Creates separation. Like a, like a boundary. Yeah. So using an actual door as a boundary. Yeah.


Kim Gordon
Or at least the walls. Like now when I, I'm doing a house right now and um, man, um, up manderal and Uhhuh . I was looking at the kitchen and usually it's wide open. And then I was looking at it going, I don't wanna, like, I kind of kept the kitchen separate and I'm really, and then the, the dining room is in a certain special way and it kind of feels sort of fantastic. Now I have to, the height of the ceilings is giving us the filling of openness. Mm-hmm. The, the view and the big windows. So it's still in this particular space, it really works that you're able to delineate these spaces with a door or maybe not, I have to decide about the door


Raquel Baldelomar
Or not. For people who may not be able to afford you. Yeah. Hold


Kim Gordon


Raquel Baldelomar
What would you, how would you guide people on how Okay, they can create a separation?


Kim Gordon
You mean instead of just putting a door up? Yeah. I mean, I think it's number one, it's time. I mean, now number one, pray God that covid is behind us ish. Or it's honors way. It's on its last list.


Raquel Baldelomar
But it's actually in many ways, like, working from home is becoming


Kim Gordon
So common. I much as a boss, I mean as a boss lady, I mean, I like it that people can work from,


Raquel Baldelomar
From home. You too. A lot of my employees, like I, you know, I got rid of my office. Yeah.


Kim Gordon
I mean, look


Raquel Baldelomar
At that. I, I had an office in downtown, uh, Santa Monica and it just didn't make sense to keep it anymore. Yeah. No. So working from home is kind of going, I, I think it's Covid had basically mm-hmm. , like it shook it out. It shook it out. Mm-hmm. and more people are now, it's just, it's kind of the way of life. But the problem now with that, especially if you have family and kids, it's that now it's that your home isn't just the home. It is now like your office. Mm-hmm. . And how do you mm-hmm. , how do you manage that? It's, it's definitely a balance.


Kim Gordon
I mean, you really have to be creative and look at your house. Sometimes it's fun to have friends over and keep an open mind and say, I really need a space. I figured out that's six by four, whatever it is. And then have friends come over. Cuz sometimes you don't see it. And they might say, oh my gosh, why don't you do on the side of the bedroom? Or something like this. Of course. You know, I'm gonna say, try not to work in your bedroom. Yes. Cuz you used to be working on other things. Of course. You know,


Raquel Baldelomar
. I definitely think the bedrooms are like, I know. Sleeping, dressing, and sex.


Kim Gordon
Yeah, totally. That's it. I know. I'm, and I just,


Raquel Baldelomar
And that's a, it's a sanctuary. And


Kim Gordon
By the way, bedrooms don't have to be that big. The closet has to get bigger. Yeah. Right. The closet and the should get bigger. The bedroom should be a bed and like a chair. Mm-hmm. . Yeah. Maybe a little, I have a thing about easter table, so I can get up, I can do anything I want with an easter table, , you know, get a little champagne on there. Have little flowers. I could have, like, I can get my computer, my laptop, get a little thing done. You know, just in the corner. Don't, but you don't need these big bedrooms. You're, no one is in the bedroom. I mean, you're doing it for sexy, fun time and you're sleeping. Yeah. And that's it. And the disaster should be over there in the closet where you can actually get dressed, see your clothing, and see your body in a mirror. And then the bathroom should be the size of a house.


Raquel Baldelomar
Well, these little homes like my, my little beach cottage in Santa Monica, like, there are no closet space. Like That's right. You know, that's one of the things that I, you know, have to mm-hmm. figure out. Like when you walk into my bedroom, like you, first thing you see are is my shoe rack, because there are no places. Oh, how cute. For my shoes, .


Kim Gordon
Oh, that sucks.


Raquel Baldelomar
But this is, uh, you know, I will, I'll get to a place where I'll afford one of your homes, , you know, and then it'll be like, can get me a big closet, a closet, small bedroom, a big closet for all my shoes.


Kim Gordon
This a normal bedroom that you could walk around and have a little bit of space. But yeah. Not enough to like that. You need to have a dress. You shouldn't have a dresser. I just don't. You could, I guess. But I don't really have that. I have that. It's all over there somewhere.


Raquel Baldelomar
Oh, so you don't even have dressers.


Kim Gordon
I don't want a dresser in the bedroom. Interesting. I kind of just like it to be a pretty room. Like it's a night. That's very interesting. You know, I don't wanna see a desk in there. I just, it's something lovely that this looks like I can rest in here. I don't have to think about the messy, you know, underwear drawer. It's just, it's over there in the closet and the closet's designed the right way. Mm-hmm. that I have all the drawers. I can see my things. It's all there. That's, I mean, and then there's always the television, whether you should have


Raquel Baldelomar
A tv. What do you think about that? See, I'm very anti television. I know. I, I'm very anti television. But then I started, uh, I, I've started getting into poker.


Kim Gordon


Raquel Baldelomar
Yes. Really? Oh my God. That's one of like, oh my God, it is so much fun. Good to know. It is so much fun.


Kim Gordon
Oh my God.


Raquel Baldelomar
And I'm good at it. I won, I won $500 last, like last Saturday I went 500 because at the Hollywood Park Casino,


Kim Gordon
You go to casinos?


Raquel Baldelomar
I know.


Kim Gordon
Oh my God. Gosh. I love that.


Raquel Baldelomar
It's, it's, it's so much fun. I mean, but you know, it's gambling, so you have to be careful. But I'm like, so I'm at, at night, I'm like literally like watching these poker videos on my iPad. I mean, doing these like poker quizzes online, like, you know, and, and I'm totally getting into it. I'm like, I said to myself, I was anti tv, but I'm in bed watching these poker videos, doing these online poker quizzes.


Kim Gordon
, I think that's, you know what the thing is about the television right? Is that it is an incredibly fantastic tool. I'm sorry. And so video games, like I'm in all of this helps. Incredible stories.


Raquel Baldelomar
It helps you relax, yeah.


Kim Gordon
Checking out, there's, I don't know, I think there's a whole world there. There's so many good programming. And it's an art. It is, you know, the people, people who are creating these stories and the actors and the producers


Raquel Baldelomar
I think it's almost one of the highest form of art. I'm telling you, you're making there is today.


Kim Gordon
Look at how transformative documentaries are. No, I mean, or anything. Just to have that you cannot replace these things if you can't travel. Especially. But


Raquel Baldelomar
You can watch that in the living room or Oh yeah. The bedroom. But what are your thoughts? I mean, is, I mean, there's, it's so polarizing. I


Kim Gordon
Don't know. I have to say that I have, Mauricio has to have a TV in front of him at all times. And in our bedroom, there is a television. And then now we're taking this little break and I have not turned the television on once mm-hmm. . And I don't miss it. Except that it's, I also notice how unattractive it's, it's a black square. Mm-hmm. , like, it's a big rectangle of blackness. And it's, I just kind of look at it like, Hmm. Like, it just seems like a dead zone. It almost seems like a black hole. You're like, oh. Like that could be a really pretty piece of art. And it instantly gives a different vibe. Like just, you can, you can feel me right now, you're walking in a room, the bad dream. Like, oh, it's like boom black tv. You know? And it's just, that's all it's doing. It's, you know, begging to get turned on.


Raquel Baldelomar
I know. I, I, I, I've been to some, but


Kim Gordon
Then I, I'm gonna give you a break. You live in a smaller house. I'm gonna understand you are given an opportunity to have your TV up and anywhere. But if you're gonna create your, when you're ready and you're creating your other environment, you'll decide then, um, yeah. But it is a very sta and also like the electricity that's going through it. Yeah. Like, there's a


Raquel Baldelomar
Lot. I don't, you know what, like I can actually, this is how sensitive I am. When I sleep, I can actually, uh, I can feel wifi. No, I can feel the wifi raise


Kim Gordon
Shut the front door


Raquel Baldelomar
And so this is so that, this is why like having a TV is like


Kim Gordon
Stuff, right. I think about it. It's a lot. I mean there's a lot of energy in that bar.


Raquel Baldelomar
Yeah. There really is. Mm-hmm. , you run an office. Mm-hmm. for all women. All


Kim Gordon
Women living in


Raquel Baldelomar
A, how that happened. Male dominated world of real estate development.


Kim Gordon
You should probably meet my girls.


Raquel Baldelomar
I love Julia. Oh my


Kim Gordon
God. She's something.


Raquel Baldelomar


Kim Gordon
Great. Julia's specialty. She's your niece. She's my niece. And when she came out here, I gave her so little, I just was so dismissive. Like, oh God, there's some girl in here. Like, just some young, I just didn't have any patience. I thought she'd be really pampered. And, but she has, she's fantastic. She's an absolute talent with design. Um, and she's been doing amazing. I don't know how she does it. It's really, she's quite good.


Raquel Baldelomar
How do you work as a leader to make sure that you have a really great harmonious work environment?


Kim Gordon
Hmm. I think we'll start with the fact that I used to be a bitch. So that's pretty simple because I think I was so stressed out and I didn't know how to do it. And I just was going complete bananas. Honestly. I didn't know what, I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't ask for it in a way. I just had this guy, we were having fantastic 4:00 PM sex. We were making cute houses. I was just so happy. Like, oh my God, look at us who bid money, let's go to Paris. You know, it was this amazing sort of thing. And it turned into, well, the reason you have to use, excuse me. The reason you have to use, um, hard money guys is because you don't, you're only flipping houses. And by only flipping houses, you're only worth the real estate market. Therefore you have to have a real job, so to speak. Mm-hmm. So I had to build the design firm so that I could justify and also live and build to,


Raquel Baldelomar
Which had to make you very exacting. I mean, in order to build these very expensive homes. Yes. You must like, I mean the clients who are gonna buy this, the people are gonna buy this, have very high standards. Yes. So you had to have very high standards


Kim Gordon
For your Yes. And I come from a family of, I don't know, anal people that I just, I can see from Mauricio likes to laugh at me about an eighth of an inch off. Like, I go like, that's crooked. And he'll go, it's not. And he'll measure it and go, fuck. I mean, how did you do this? Like, somehow I'm so a particular, and I've had to loosen up obviously cuz a lot of people are looser. When you start getting, I start going to other houses and throughout time working for different people. Working with, with Don Henley, you couldn't make a mistake. It was an eighth of an inch off and that was that period. But then as you start going to other people's homes, you start to loosen up a little bit and start to pay a little more attention that maybe an eighth of an inch could now be maybe half an inch, so to speak. You know, you give yourself a little more room. Um, but yeah. And


Raquel Baldelomar
How do you make sure that you're employees just wanna work for you? Cuz that's something too, as a business leader, as an owner. I mean, it's, it's, I think it's motivation and training.


Kim Gordon
It's, I think it's, you're right. And I think it's, it's also listening and honoring people and empathy. Mm-hmm. , uh, do you have masterclass by the way? Mm-hmm. . I love Master Masterclass. Love it. Have, have you heard Pharrell yet with his empathy one? I have not. Oh my God, this is a good one. It's one, it's fantastic. So he's doing a whole thing where he's talking about empathy and what it means really. Um, he has different people coming in and talking about it. I think that masterclass is one of the most funnest, fantastic little worlds. Um, anyway, he was talking more about empathy and that made me think more about the office because I have to really look at the eyes of the people, what they wanna do. Julia's very young, 22 years old, 23 whenever she is now. And she's really wants to make her mark. And she's trying, and there's a rebellion in there, right. Because you have to remember who she is. Kim, she's 20 whatever years old. She's still pulling away from her family, of which I'm part of in a way. And, you know, and Ram, you start to have a little more compassion. Oh right. She's coming from this. I have Stephanie in my office who's from like, kind of, um, she's Los Angeles. She's, she's Mexican, she's hard, she's fantastic. You know, she's a Dodger fan. Like the whole everything. And she has kind of an edge on her, um, brought up as a second generation. And you know, I have to work with that a lot because she comes in as a woman. She's very, very smart. She's a lot of experience. She comes in and she's a little bit, got two guns on her where she's already ready, you know, kind of hitting the guise. And I have to catch her sometimes and just go, you know, we're all working together.


Raquel Baldelomar
It's a work family. I mean it's, it's really mm-hmm. I think of it as just, you know, you have a family, it's a different kind of family than your personal family, but it's having the work together. You see them more. You do, you actually, you see them more. You are almost more intimate. Yeah.


Kim Gordon
Them. And so, so under the empathy, the empathy piece becomes huge. Yeah. And I think that when I was sick with the cancer, with, with the cancer, when I was sick with the cancer, I remembered thinking I didn't want anyone to know. And I realized, wow, imagine the space they would've given me. Mm-hmm. just like, oh my god, Kim works so hard. Like right now she's going through something. Let's give her a break. I didn't really ever get, you know, I didn't, I didn't allow anyone to take care of me in a way. And that taught me a lot about where are you coming from with this? Like my son, you, I thought you were a mean mommy. Cuz I was going through so much stuff and he didn't, I didn't really, if it was in context, he didn't have empathy for me and go, my God, she's going through his medication. It could make her angry. So she's fine. That whole time my son thought I was mean, was a time that I could have come to and been like, Hey, by the way, this might happen. Mm-hmm. . And the same with work. Looking at where everyone's, what they're bringing to our party, what they're bringing to each event, and then talking about the clients that we have. And I really integrate them in a, in a really high level. So when I'm going now to meet clients, I have to have somebody come with me so that we can together decide if this is the right client, you know, that's going to move forward with us because I'll just say yes. You know, I'll just be, oh yeah, I'll do it. You know, I just get really happy and I'm in the moment and kind of like, oh my God, this place looks so cool. But the girls have to come with me and go mm-hmm. , no, Kim, you can't do everything. You've only got so many hours in the day. Yeah. And they have to reign me in. And then as a boss, Ima you're, you're laughing cuz you could imagine. Yeah. I give them that much power. I will override if there's a reason or if I'm going into Tatiana at my office, who runs the money, if I go into her and we have to talk about, okay, what's the, what do we have happening, you know, financially, where are we at? And then we can have another decision. And I may have to override, like everyone might go, oh my God, that person might be really difficult to work with or something.


Raquel Baldelomar
I know. We have to wrap up. I know.


Kim Gordon
Sorry. I talk so much.


Raquel Baldelomar
So well this,


Kim Gordon
Did you get all your stuff out? I


Raquel Baldelomar
Could talk to you first. We


Kim Gordon
Can, we can totally do another,


Raquel Baldelomar
We'll do another one. But let's, let's, let's just end with a few quick rapid fire questions.


Kim Gordon
Ohoh, I ask you. Alright, I'm scared. You gotta look on your face and I'm scared now, . Alright, go ahead.


Raquel Baldelomar
What are your top three healthiest habits?


Kim Gordon
Healthiest habits,


Raquel Baldelomar
Healthiest habits,


Kim Gordon
Getting up in the morning and immediately getting outside. Mm-hmm. That is number one. I can't, I think that you get up and you get out, I think is number one. Um, going for a walk or getting outside somehow in the middle of the day. Like whether you're, now we have our office over on Montana and it's been a miracle because you have to stop. You're in the middle of everything and you go, wait, wait, no, I go, go get a cup of anything. Just get out. Mm-hmm. And you just, you know, popping in a window. Um, and the other thing I think that's really healthy is walking more where you live. Mm-hmm. So you can see little shops and you see little neighbors. Neighbors. Yeah. And just connect with that love. So that, does that answer? Yes. Oh good.


Raquel Baldelomar
So I have a principal that says, uh, that part of balance is having healthy vices. Mm-hmm. ,


Kim Gordon
Tell me you mean like the 4:00 PM sex? What's a vice? I mean, vice, I don't know. What's a vice?


Raquel Baldelomar
What is a vice? Like for me, I think poker's a vice. It's gambling. You think? I think so. . You know, but it's, food is a vice. Oh yeah. I like, I like, I mean I love like late nights. Like I'm a, I'm a night owl. I like nightlife. Mm. Um, but then by, you know, like a nightlife, I like to stay out late. Right. Then I, you know, I, I then wake up late and you can't always do that, so mm-hmm. , but I also think those, those vices bring me great joy.


Kim Gordon
Yes. Right. It's all about food and balance. It's balance. And, you know, I was out with some people, I was out with some people the other day and she said, you know, I'm a vegetarian. So I was like, okay, so when the, I, so it was fine. So we ordered some food and she asked about one of the vegetables and they said, um, oh, well there's fish sauce on there. So she say, okay, I won't have that. Can they remove the fish sauce? And I'm thinking, where do you draw the line? Yeah. You know what I mean? You're just thinking to yourself, okay, it's a fish sauce. I get it. She's like, and I go, well, it's just fish sauce. And she goes, I'm a vegetarian. I'm thinking, okay girl. Like just, you know, it's, and I have a funny name for some people, some friends of other vegetarian. I'm like, wait, are they bacon vegetarians, ? You know what I mean? Because then there's the bacon vegetarians. Yeah. That'd have to have a little bit of bacon , because you can't say no to bacon . So, you know what I mean? And it's a funny thing, but I feel like that's kind of, you know, if you're doing it because of some health thing, I don't really don't think that your body isn't gonna be really rebellious. Right. It's just balance. Well,


Raquel Baldelomar
I think it's what is, I think everyone should have something that brings them great joy. Like a vice that brings them great joy. But maybe you don't do it all the time, but you do it right. Occasionally.


Kim Gordon
I mean, I'm guessing masturbating. Right? That's a good one. . Is that a vice? Is that a vice? No, I think it's an exercise. I think it's a dawn to the gym. I don't know. But I'm just saying like a little private time. Private maybe. What else would be a vice? I don't know. I guess it's in the food drink family. Okay.


Raquel Baldelomar
I think for


Kim Gordon
Me good. I think, yeah. Click


Raquel Baldelomar
And drink. Believe me, I love


Kim Gordon
Food. What buying, you know, buying retailing, bio therapy stuff. Retail therapy.


Raquel Baldelomar
Therapy is advice. That's advice. That's advice. But that brings you great joy. Yeah. So that is, that is a good one. Uhhuh, what does wealth mean to you?


Kim Gordon
There's something, um, I wasn't expecting this, I guess. Oh my God, those shoes are so cute. Speak of Well, look at those shoes. I didn't notice that. Are those feathers?


Raquel Baldelomar
I got these. I got these in Mikonos.


Kim Gordon
Oh my God. They're fantastic. . God, girl. Okay, sorry. Um, okay. Wealth. You hear the word? I I think it's about being, I just don't know if it's a destination. There's something about wealth in that you're giving, that you're comfortable enough in any situation that you're not addicted to the outcome. Does that make sense? Mm-hmm. , like what? You're full of it. You're full, you're full enough, you're wealth, you're full. And you don't have to stress too much about what that number is in the bank, where your relationship is gonna fall right then. Um, a lot of things. There's something about that I don't feel Yeah. Full, full. I think it's about being full. It's being full. Mm-hmm. . That's okay. We're satisfied. Maybe. Yeah. Like where you're not chasing anything. Yeah.


Raquel Baldelomar
Content. Mm-hmm.


Kim Gordon
, this might be ignorant to me. Not to add it too money, but I think that's what I'm trying to, I'm not actually looking at wealth as being money. I mean, I can easily say it means that I can buy a house. You know, if I can buy a house right now, it'd be amazing. Like, I, I've been addicted to this idea of trying to find a way in my office to be able to get companies or something, help people put the down payment on houses and then have them pay the mortgage. Because I feel like the work that I'm doing, not just creatively, but just this idea of home, so many people should own a home and really have it decorated and be the way that they want it to be while they still go out and make money for our country. You know what I mean? Mm-hmm. , like, make money. Like they're out there, like going to the restaurants and keeping the system going and you know, just celebrating small business and going into little places and buying cool clothes and getting out there and doing it. But while these people are, while these kids are doing it, still making a hundred thousand dollars a year, um, a hundred something, they can't live in the west side of Los Angeles. It's, they cannot buy a house. It's hard. And the rents are so high that there's no way that they could pay that rent plus put away money to put a down payment plus go shopping and buy cute stuff and have a full life. I think that, that I'm really interested in my, as my world keeps going. So in relation to wealth is me too. When you're comfortable in a certain place, where do your values fall? This is in my wheelhouse about about real estate, really. Right. And about homes, what is my big thing right now? There's a lot happening with homeless and it's such a quagmire. I can't even, I've tried so hard to figure that out. And that's just a mess. And I keep looking at people like my office that are making X that just cannot. There's no way they're gonna, they'll, how long is it gonna take for someone to put together 150, 200,000, 20% down on these houses? It's


Raquel Baldelomar
Hard. I mean, it's, it goes, I mean, money is important, but also there's so many other things other than money, which are just as important as well. Yes. Mm-hmm. . And that's where the balance of all of this comes


Kim Gordon
Yeah. Totally. Yeah.


Raquel Baldelomar
My final question.


Kim Gordon


Raquel Baldelomar
What is an important life lesson or insight that you have learned that has brought you the most amount of balance in your life?


Kim Gordon
I guess it, it is the cancer. For me, it was using something that was negative to shake or, or could perceive to be negative. To able to shake it up and go, wow, I don't have enough balance in my life. Like some kind of a wake up for me. I needed someone to hit me with a baseball bat. And maybe you don't have to, maybe you're looking at it going, what is balance to me? And this is where meditation comes from, or create a visualizations. I sit in the house and think about whatever, this house wants to become a castle. And you can sit there in your house and just close your eyes and just say, Hmm, what is balance for me? Exactly. What does balance for me look like? And how can I get it? What would make me feel good? And maybe you start to work on it. I think it has to be a destination. Or not a destination, but a goal. It's a goal. Mm-hmm. . Right? It's like part of your your to-do


Raquel Baldelomar
List. Yes. It's a, it's something you do every day. Yeah.


Kim Gordon
You walk, go for a walk. Yeah. Fuck your man at four o'clock, four o'cock.


Raquel Baldelomar
four o'cock. to four o'cock. Four o'cock. Kim, I love you. . Four o'cock . Yeah. So four, four o'cock. Four o'cock.


Kim Gordon
Oh my God.


Raquel Baldelomar
Oh, That is bringing balance though.


Kim Gordon
Yeah, it does. On, on top of it. Bring as balance. Well it's also talking about like what brings me balance. Okay. I need to have my man and I have to be regulated and have a sexually happy time, you know? Mm-hmm. , or I'm feeling a lot of stress. I'm feeling too much decisions and I need that. I need to find that balance. What, how do I get that? Oh, I get that by having sex at four o'clock or whatever. I mean, or it might be I need to have a salad at two. I don't know. Yeah. Like you have to think about it. So individualistic, I guess. So for me it was, I had no idea. Someone hit me in the head with a rock and just was like, stop. And I went, oh, whoa. And then realized I have to figure this out.


Raquel Baldelomar
Is there anything else you wanna leave our viewers with?


Kim Gordon
You look cute in the dress. Thank you, . I told, I told 'em all that when you walked out. You did. Okay. Thank you so much. This has been you so much, so much fun. Invite me anytime.


Raquel Baldelomar
Thank you so much. Where can our viewers and our listeners find you on social media


Kim Gordon
In the Kim Gordon Designs realms. Okay. Julia does that, by the way. You'll have to be like, Hey


Raquel Baldelomar
On Instagram, Kim Gordon,


Kim Gordon
All that Kim Gordon designs. Yeah, totally. Thank


Raquel Baldelomar
You. Sounds good. Welcome Kim. Thank you so much. Thank


Kim Gordon
You so much. And


Raquel Baldelomar
To my Darlene viewers and listeners, thank you for sharing your time with me today.


Kim Gordon


Raquel Baldelomar
Next time.